Based purely on its geological structure alone, Greenland has what the vast majority of industry experts consider to be highly favourable conditions for the development of its own mining sector. Indeed its geographical location between Europe and the United States, combined with the high prices attainable for most of the raw materials that are present there, partially offset its absence of infrastructure and of sources of energy, and the harsh climatic conditions of the country.

Today Subarctic Exploration Group a.s. is tirelessly moving forward with its analysis of Greenland’s geological environment, with its team of geologists working intensively through a number of strategic tasks. These tasks include the field work on all licensed areas,  re-processing of legacy Aeromag data from the west and south of Greenland that the company purchased using the latest processing techniques, as well as working alongside the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland.

Subarctic Exploration Group a.s. believes that it has a valid concept and sufficiently high-quality sources of information to be able to gradually build up a network of exploitable deposits of its raw materials of interest.

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